From the stable of Digital Interactive Media Limited; a renowned content management and production shop, comes another edition of the leading independently produced reality TV show The Next Movie Star Season9...Call To Stardom.
The reality show since its berth has produced lots of stars that are making waves and forming forces to reckon with in the Nigeria Movie Industry and Africa at large. It is no shocking story that the likes of Tonto Dikeh, Annie Macaulay Idibia, Uti Nwachukwu, Kevin Chuwang Pam, Moyo Lawal, Karen Ighor have all passed through the training and grooming camp of this reality show.
The crooner and Producer, Sola Fajobi fondly called Solar by Friends and colleagues in the industry once said in one of his interviews "...a time will come in the Nigerian entertainment industry when any movie is produced, 70% of the lead actors would have passed through The Next Movie Star" He further explained that it isn't just about making money from the project or show as it may be but he finds joy and fulfillment when he sees the fruit of his labor being appreciated and adding value to others lives.
The Season9 of the show is here and it is themed...Call To Stardom. This simply means that only the talented are sermon and just the talented will be chosen. So if you know you are born to shine, here comes the opportunity to fulfill your dream as a professional actor/actress.
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